Systems & Metrics

Performance Metrics and Key Performance Indicators

Your business is struggling and you can’t quite put your finger on the issue.  It could be sales or marketing or most likely a combination of both.  The issue could lie internally with a staff that is not in alignment with your expectations.  That is why all businesses need a Powerteam Consulting performance metrics audit to determine the necessary key performance indicators for optimal employee performance.

This audit looks at four major components of your business and up to 30 sub-components to reveal gaps in your sales and marketing strategy that may keep your company from optimal business growth.  Once the gaps are determined, baselines are set and performance metrics initiated for sales in areas like leads received, appointments set, closings and revenue to name just a few.  The Powerteam Consultant will also help you develop Key Performance Indicators for all your sales and marketing staff and additional support staff no matter their place in the organizational chart to ensure alignment of the rank and file with the executive staff.  This is a key component of exploding your business.

With the correct performance metrics and key performance indicators your business will be poised to explode because if you are congruent internally then it will flow externally to increased profits and a happy staff that is congruent with the internal company message.  Ask for a free 45-minute consultant from a trained Powerteam Consultant today and get on the path of growing your business now.